Page Speed Checker Online: Optimizing Website Performance

Page Speed Checker

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About Page Speed Checker

How to Check Use Our Page Speed Checker

Choose a Page Speed Checker: Online, many utilities provide a check of speed. The most impressively known tools performed among these include Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom, and Okseotools.

Enter Your Website URL: Once you get the tool, go to the website and type its URL address while trying to access the page you want to check. It could be your home page or just any page you are so much worried about.

Run the Test: Tap on the button and check the output of the test. The device will then measure your web page's speed performance which is indicated by several different parameters such as time to first byte, time to interactive, and others.

Review the Results: Immediately after the test is over, you will receive a detailed report that will encompass your page speed components (e.g. loading speed, page size, and improvement ideas), heaping more knowledge on your page performance.

Interpret the Data: Keep a watch on what causes your page to slow down and make necessary tweaks for best speed performance. This could be achieved by implementing image optimization, keeping the size of CSS and JavaScript files minimal, compressing files with gzip, and more.

Implement Recommendations: Following the recommendations given by the tool, proceed with the changes to your website, to improve the overall speed performance. This could be through projecting and improving your website technically or by redesigning and reorganizing the content to fit the goal.

Re-Test: Following your changes, run again the test to check whether the improvements you have made significantly speed up the page.

Monitor Regularly: Page speed can be often unpredictable when content changes as it might be related to website updates, hosting service changes, traffic variations, etc. Adjust it as required to retain the optimum speeds to facilitate access.

Why Page Speed Matters for SEO

Page speed is important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and user experience for several reasons:

SEO Impact: The Google search engine, measures page speed as one of the factors that it uses to rate the quality of sites. The pages that could load at a higher speed are the ones that would be displayed higher in the SERPs. The search giant has made it clear that the speed of page loading is indeed a factor that they take into consideration even more so for searches on mobile devices. Whilst this might be self-explanatory but, page speed will work in your favor provided you improve it many-fold. This may as well be one of the factors that will land you with more organic traffic to your website.

User Experience: The definite implication of page speed and user experience is highlighted by the following statement. Users may start leaving the page if it will take some time to load. The alternative options available on the internet are quite tempting. If a website takes longer to load, the bounce rates will be higher as fewer users will stay engaged on your site. Consequently, this will affect your site’s performance and, consequently, its rankings as well. On one hand, a fast-loaded website induces high usability, substantiates longer remains of visitors, and increases the chance of conversions and engagements, whilst, on the other hand, a poorly loaded website deteriorates the user’s experience and the business’s potential.

Mobile Friendliness: The mobile technology increasing by the pace of events together with browsing the internet, make the speed of page very important. Mobiles generally run on slower internet connections than laptops so a mobile web that loads fast is necessary for a wholesome experience of mobile users. Also, Google is mobile-friendly, which means that it applies mobile-first indexing, or it mostly starts with the mobile version of the website. With that said, fastening the speed of your mobile site becomes essential to retain customers and no less to your website being found by search engines.

Reduced Crawl Budget Waste: In short, the number of web pages that can be visited and indexed by the search engine crawlers at any given time is limited. If your pages take a long time to load, it takes crawlers even longer to get to and index them, which can result in a waste of your crawl budget – a critical resource for the search traffic of your website. Bringing up the page speed will tell search engines’ bots that they have enough time to see and index your site’s content without delay.

Factors Affecting Page Speed

Several acting particles can negatively impact the speeding-up process of a web page. Some of the key factors include:

Image Optimization: Pictures, usually, take up extensive space on web pages and this may be thought of as a reason for a slow page loading time. Enhancing the images by executing the reductions in their file size by preserving the quality can aid in bettering the loading speed of the page. Some image optimization techniques include using the right file type (e.g. JPEG, PNG, WebP), adjusting the images to fit into the right dimensions, and compressing the images using either Photoshop, Squoosh, or online cloud services.

Minification of CSS and JavaScript: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript files have a code that is responsible for stylizing and interactive buttons on web pages. While this happens some files have additional comments, white-space characters, and similar code which can request longer loading time. CSS and JavaScript minification is the process of eliminating such redundant parts from these files so that the size of the files becomes smaller and loading takes a faster time. Various tools have been provided such as Minify, UglifyJS, and CSSNano for the same.

Server Response Time: The duration of time that a user’s browser has to wait for a response from a web server is the factor that determines the page’s speed. The server’s hardware and software configuration as well as the amount of traffic on the website, the code of the server side, and the distance of the server to the user are all factors that may influence the server response time. To promote server response time, website owners would do well by working on server-level controls such as using a better hosting service, optimizing server configurations, and implementing caching to reduce some of the load on the server.